Friday, December 7, 2012

Enjoying the Clinch River- Canoe & Kayak

One of my recent adventures and new passions is kayaking. I'm a beginning but I am learning everything I can. I just find that it is a wonderful way to enjoy some down time, to unplug, get out and really enjoy nature. Kayaking or canoeing can be a calming experience where you really take in your surroundings. For adrenaline junkies it can be an adventurous sport and great exercise! I personally enjoy a little of both from time to time. The problem I have? I live in Southwest Virginia in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains amongst the Clinch River Watershed. So finding places to kayak should not be an issue, right? Wrong! A current issue is the lack of public access to the waterway. People in cities are actually known to exercise outdoors more than people here, surrounded by the great outdoors. I think a large part of this is that people in the large cities place a high value on what small portion of nature they do have. They hike, bike, camp, kayak whatever they can. Here, any people take our natural assets for granted.
 The good news is that the Clicnh River has the opportunity to be a wonderful asset to everyone. To local people, as well as, those traveling who just need to unwind and get out of the day to day hustle and bustle. How is this going to happen given the lack of access to the river? The good news is that the Clinch River Valley Initiative (CRVI), has a special committee working on access points. Previously, there were no public access points along the Clinch River. In June, 2012, CRVI acquired three access points and are working on more everyday. This is a long process because it requires easements from landowners to access the waterways. In the November meeting, the piolt project region was further expanded upsteam and downsteam to include a targeted access location in Cleveland, VA. They have taken steps to hire an outdoor recreation specialist.

If you want more information regarding the CRVI's work or access points click here

Many people along the Clinch River Watershed have not realized that they have such a magnificent resource literally in their own backyards. It will be wonderful to have these access points available so we can enjoy what the Clinch River has to offer. 


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