Current Issues

A. Poor Agricultural Practices
The Clinch River also currently faces much impairment to aquatic life due to sedimentation and siltation of benthic communities (Kilgore 24). Farm mismanagement can combine with forest degradation and cause the quality of the stream to decline. Poor agricultural practices can cause sedimentation, bacterial contamination, stream bank erosion, soil compaction and nutrient additions to the river system (Kilgore, 22). Bacterial contamination is a common problem for water that flows through agricultural land. This bacterium is called fecal coliform bacteria or E. Coli and it lives in the gut of warm-blooded organisms, such as livestock, and helps them to digest food (Kilgore, 22). Fecal bacteria produced by livestock can enter surface waters through four pathways (MapTech, 3-9.) First, waste produced by animals in confinement is typically collected, stored, and applied to the landscape, where it is available for runoff-producing rainfall event. Second, grazing livestock deposit manure directly on the land where it is washed into the local waterway (MapTech, 3-9). Third, livestock with access to streams occasionally deposit manure directly in streams (MapTech, 3-9). Fourth, some animal confinement facilities may have drainage systems that divert wash-water and waste directly to streams (MapTech, 3-9). This may not seem like a serious pollutant but exposure can be toxic to humans by causing skin infections, severe stomach illness, and even death (Kilgore, 22). Fertilizer, which is added to farm soil often, contains nitrates and phosphates and can quickly wash into a stream (Kilgore, 23). This addition can cause algae bloom, which can shade the water so growing bacteria can use up oxygen within the water, a process known as eutrophication (Kilgore, 23). This process can result to dead fish or other aquatic animals and plants.

B. Residential straight Pipes
Residential straight pipes were a major source of pollution in the Clinch River prior to the CWA (Telephone interview with Frank Kilgore). Frank Kilgore worked through a non-profit called Mountain Heritage, Inc. to install septic systems in Daunte and at the present times there are no straight pipes located in Daunte(Telephone interview with Frank Kilgore) . Recently, in the U.S. Census questionnaires, housing occupants were asked which type of sewage disposal existed. The Census category “Other Means” was assumed to be disposing of sewage via a straight pipe. There are a total of 44 estimated homes with straight pipes in just in the Middle Clinch River watershed area (MapTech, 3-5).
The Emergency Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems was adopted in April, 2010 (MapTech, 3-6). The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) does not currently have the authority or the resources to conduct surveillance of all conventional onsite sewage treatment (septic) systems in the Commonwealth (MapTech, 3-6). When VDH verifies a non-compliant system, it works with the homeowner to address the issue to bring the system up to date. In the case of non-cooperative homeowners, VDH attempts to achieve compliance through internal enforcement actions and, ultimately, through the court system (MapTech, 3-6). An impasse may be reached when a homeowner is willing, but financially unable to correct the non-compliance. In such situations, VDH assists in attempting to locate funding for the needed corrections, with the knowledge that many of the existing funding sources (State Revolving Loan Fund, Water Quality Improvement Fund, etc.) have significant shortcomings with regard to the onsite wastewater treatment arena.
C. AEP- Carbo, VA
The Appalachian Electric Power (AEP) plant, a coal-fired power plant in Carbo, Virginia continues to be a problem. A NPDES Permit is not required from Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for Ash Pond 1 as there is no direct pond discharge to a neighboring body of water (Dewberry & Davis, 3-1). VA DEQ, however, has given a permit to ash Pond 2 (Dewberry & Davis, 3-1). The seepage collected at the toe of perimeter dike is discharged directly into Dumps Creek (Dewberry & Davis, 3-1). Seepage discharge is currently listed as Outfall 015 under the NPDES Permit No. VA0001015, issued September 15, 2009 (Dewberry & Davis, 3-1). Under this NPDES Permit, AEP is required to submit monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) to VA DEQ for this permitted outfall (Dewberry & Davis, 3-1).
Ash Pond 2 was built in 1954 as one facility consisting of one continuous
side-hill dike located in the old river valley of Dumps Creek, which  required re-routing the creek to its current alignment (Dewberry & Davis, 3-1). Based on a visual site assessment and review of documentation provided, the overall structural stability of the perimeter dikes for Ash Pond 2 appears to be poor (Dewberry & Davis, 3-1). The rating reflects the inappropriate assumptions regarding groundwater elevations in the slope stability analysis and the previous dike failure. It is noted that there was no standing water in this inactive pond. No documented signs of significant erosion damage, cracks, sloughs or releases of materials could be found.
D. Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTP’s)
Field and laboratory studies were conducted to determine mollusk distributions in proximity to wastewater treatment plants (WTP’s) in the upper Clinch River and to test the tolerance of two mollusk species to monochloramine and unionized ammonia, the major toxicants in domestic effluent (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212.) The study was conducted in The Clinch River, a headwater tributary of the Tennessee River, originates near Bluefield, Virginia (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). Freshwater mussels have been considered one of the most sensitive fauna groups to organic enrichment, and they can be one of the most reliable indicators of stream pollution (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). 
Mollusk samples were taken from four sties below the Tazewell WTP, three below the Richlands WTP, one below Cliffield, and one below Pounding Mill. Mussels, clams and snails were identified, counted and returned to the stream at each site. (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). A separate mussel survey was conducted later with the use of waterscopes because mussels often have a clustered distribution that may be misrepresented in quadrant sampling (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). River reaches up to 3.7 km downstream of WTP’s were devoid of freshwater mussels, and tolerance to effluents varied among snails, sphaeriid clams, and the asian clam (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). Therefore, the number of mussels below the WTPs was greatly reduced from upstream levels and was zero at some sites (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212).
Mussels may be able to survive intermittent doses of toxicants simply by shutting their valves tightly until water quality improves (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). The large number of mussels at the reference
site above the Tazewell WTP outfall suggests that glochidia are available to eventually repopulate the sites below the outfall. However, the nature of the mussel’s life cycle makes the reproductive stages particularly vulnerable to pollution (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). Sperm are fully exposed to toxicants upon release by males, as are glochidia released by the female to parasitize host fishes (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). Bioassay data indicated that most glochidia that closed during 24 hours of exposure to MCA or NH3 did not reopen after being placed in clean water for another 24 hours (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). Our results suggest that a certain level of exposure to MCA or NH, may prevent most glochidia from infesting fish, even if exposure to these toxicants is sublethal.
In addition to toxicants in WTP effluent, bacteria and protozoa’s, often present below WTP outfalls, may affect the reproductive stages of mussels (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212). Fertilized ova in the marsupia of a female mussel are vulnerable to attack by both bacteria and protozoans, as are glochidia. In addition, the Richlands WTP only treats at the primary level, which may lead to an abundance of undesirable bacteria and protozoans below the outfall. Although this possible problem was not examined below the WTP’s, other threats to mussel reproduction below WTP outfalls are likely (Stephanie E. Goudreau, Richard J. Neves & Robert J. Sheehan, 212).

E. Nonpoint Sources of Pollution
Fortunately, urbanization is not a huge threat to the Clinch River watershed with less than seven percent of the watershed being urbanized (Kilgore, 28). Nonpoint source pollution (NPS) degrades Virginia’s waterways. It does not come from a single source, or point, such as a sewage treatment plant, coal operation or other industrial discharges (Va. Dep’t of Conserv. & Recreation, 2012). NPS pollution occurs mainly through runoff when it rains and can greatly affect the health of the waterway. Storm water from parking lots and roads contains oil, gasoline, antifreeze, salts and more. There are harmful chemicals and pesticides found on farmland, streets, construction sites, and from suburban homes. There are four major forms of NPS pollution contained in runoff, which are harming our waterways: sediments, nutrients, toxic substances and pathogens (Va. Dep’t of Conserv. & Recreation, 2012).

F. Impaired Waters

The First TMDL was issued for the Upper Clinch River watershed located in Tazewell County, Virginia. This TMDL was prepared in March 2004 for the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (George Mason University & Tera Tech, 1-1). Virginia 305(b)/303(d) guidance states that support of the aquatic life beneficial use is determined by the assessment of conventional pollutants (dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature); toxic pollutants in the water column, fish tissue and sediments; and biological evaluation of benthic community data (George Mason University & Tera Tech, 1-4). Benthic community assessments are, therefore, used to determine compliance with the General Criteria section of Virginia’s Water Quality Standards (George Mason University & Tera Tech, 1-1).
The Upper Clinch River was listed as impaired due to violations of the general standard for aquatic life. Water quality analyses and field observations indicate that the primary cause for impairment is increased amounts of sediment. Agricultural land was identified as a primary source of sediment in the Upper Clinch River watershed. Agricultural runoff can contribute increased pollutant loads when farm management practices allow soils rich in nutrients from fertilizers or animal waste to be washed into the stream, increasing in-stream sediment and phosphorus levels
            The second TMDL is located in the Upper Clinch River of Tazewell County, Virginia (MapTech, 1-4). There are four different impaired streams in this study area, Clinch River, Middle Creek, Plum Creek and Coal Creek (MapTech, 1-4). There are seven segments impaired for recreational/simming uses. All seven segments have bacterial impairments due to fecal matter (MapTech, 1-4).
              The last TMDL, was issued in August 2012 for Middle Clinch River
(MapTech,1-3). The Middle Clinch River is comprised of fourteen (14) different impaired streams in this study area including Clinch River, Indian Creek, Weaver Creek, Thompson Creek, Lewis Creek, Hess Creek, Swords Creek, Little River, Big Cedar Creek, Burgess Creek, Dumps Creek, Elk Garden Creek, Loop Creek and Maiden Spring Creek (MapTech, xix). A total of twenty (20) separate impaired segments exist all are bacterial impairments (MapTech,1-3). Sources of bacteria included human, livestock, wildlife, pets, as well as permitted point sources (MapTech,1-3).  Permitted point discharges that may contain pathogens associated with fecal matter are required to maintain an E. coli concentration below 126 cfu/100mL, the current standard (MapTech, 3-2). One method for achieving this goal is chlorination. Chlorine is added to the discharge stream at levels intended to kill pathogens. The monitoring method for ensuring the goal is to measure the concentration of total residual chlorine (TRC) in the effluent. Typically, if TRC levels are met, bacteria concentrations are reduced to levels well below the standard (MapTech, 3-2).

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